The U.S. work visa system aims to attract and prioritize individuals who can contribute significantly to the country’s economy, help address labor shortages or bring exceptional skills and talent into the U.S. workforce. With various categories dictating the approval process, it is essential to understand where you might fit in.
Applicants with extraordinary ability
Individuals who have demonstrated extraordinary ability in their field of expertise, whether in the sciences, arts, education, business or athletics, are among those prioritized in the visa application process. If you fall under this category, you must show extensive documentation proving that you have received national or international acclaim for your contributions in your field.
Professors and researchers
The U.S. also recognizes the value tenured professors and researchers can bring to the country. Outstanding academics who have significantly contributed to their respective fields can find themselves in a priority category in the U.S. work visa system. Suppose you are a professor aiming to engage in tenure, tenure-track teaching or a comparable research position at a U.S. university or institution. In that case, you must have at least three years’ experience in teaching or research or a substantial body of work.
Multinational managers or executives
Suppose you are a manager in a multinational company with plans to transfer to your company’s U.S. branch. This provides you with greater odds of receiving a work visa, with the U.S. prioritizing noncitizens who have been working abroad for a U.S.-affiliated company in a managerial or executive capacity for at least one of the past three years.
If you align with any of these categories, the U.S. visa approval process might consider you a priority worker. Whether you are a renowned researcher or an extraordinary talent in your field, understanding the various employment-based visa preference categories can be your first step toward unlocking your goal of working in the U.S.