The most common way to obtain a green card is by being a family member of a citizen or permanent resident. However, there are also ways to attain permanent residency that would not necessitate relations, such as employment. In fact, the country allocates hundreds of...
Atlanta’s Best Immigration Attorneys
Atlanta’s Best Immigration Attorneys
Month: March 2023
How to avoid deportation
Atlanta is a progressive city that welcomes all people in the hopes of fostering community and international interest. It appreciates immigrants willing to be upstanding citizens and do their part in enriching the culture and diversity of the city. Although not all...
Can I reenter the US after a deportation order?
A deportation order is a serious matter, but it doesn’t always mean you can never return to the US. The government may allow you to appeal the order with the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) within a specific timeframe. Should the BIA uphold the order, you may have...
How can my criminal record affect the naturalization process?
The naturalization process in the United States involves lengthy procedures, including admission or adjustment to becoming a lawful permanent resident. It is an essential step that involves thoroughly assessing your criminal record. Certain crimes might make you...